RADICAL | The fundamental nature, wild, daring, totally excellent.

RADICLE | The primary root, the first organ to appear when a seed germinates growing downward into the soil, anchoring the seedling later becoming the taproot


With growing interest and access to working with psychedelics and expanded states of consciousness we have the opportunity not only to step into new paradigms of personal and collective awareness but to understand and align with our place in systems of lineage, network, and ecology that we may move in mature authenticity in service of our communities and the world.

  • Supportive, present, harm reduction focused allyship in refining your prayer, resourcing and understanding your tools, creating safety, self advocacy and personal responsibility, and cultivating a supportive mindset and setting for your journey.

  • Ritual rights of passage around grief, letting go, and growing up. Initiation is a threshold across which nothing will ever be the same. Many people experience incomplete initiations in the form of traumatic events or nonintegrated transitions. By bringing these initiations into a ritual container we allow the initiate to fully move across that threshold into a new sense of self, into their place of vital and authentic service to community, the world, and future generations.

  • A phenomenological therapeutic modality that can help one step into their place, understand patterns, release entanglement, let go what isn’t theirs and accept responsibility for what is in their family system in order to step more fully into their life.

  • Work with sound, voice, plants and elements to release stuck energies. This work can be done in homes, offices, on land, and in the body.


I am a mother, animist, ritualist, and visionary working as a transpersonal guide in service of the loving diversification of our beliefs, identities, and interconnections. I believe spirit lives in our relational experiences and acts as a compass to guide us in collective healing for self, family, community, and the earth. By finding our place in this relational space we are able to step into lives of emergent service. My work focuses on family systems, ecosystems, place and moving into new paradigms of interconnection. My process is informed by over 20 years working with people in the wilderness through transition and initiation. I am currently in practicum with the AWE foundation graduate program in integrative psychedelic therapy, transpersonal psychology, and Indigenous wisdom.